Feb 16, 2006

Boredom rears its ugly head

Wee, new blog post! Blogging is getting easier with each new blog I post. And because I hate to repeat myself more than twice, click HERE. This leads to my other blog entry; actually my FIRST (maybe, second... uh, whatever) blog entry.

I'd like to dedicate this blog to my officemates: Jasmine, Misty, Karla, Riza, and Darwin for being present in the office as I type up this blog. They would certainly find it amiss if they did not find their names mentioned here. *wickedly laughs*

That little plug was inspired by Misty, hehe. The sitch is that all of us here (that's left in Quali) got kinda bored, and we started sharing each other's blogs. Misty's blog was especially interesting to Riza and Jasmine, coz Misty mistakenly omitted their names when she thanked people who she works with in Quali. Of course, Riza and Jasmine wouldn't let Misty live it down without a little comment to her blogsite. Something like, "Hi Misty. We're your officemates, Riza and Jasmine. We sit next you, and you missed us, blah..." Lol!


I'm still bored. I don't like making my report. It's not exciting.

And there's no Relic session tonight. Not exciting. Need to Wow.

Right. I'm going home. NOW.

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Quiet but spirited. Serious but quirky. Easygoing but restless. Talented but awkward. Aloof but caring. Lost but driven. Very confused person.