Apr 6, 2008

My Love VisualDNA

I love image quizzes. No brain cells required. In the VisualDNA personality test, it assesses you based on pictures with pre-designated psychological meanings that you have selected. Like it says, it maps out your "DNA" or your personality makeup from visuals of your choice - whether you picked them intentionally or subliminally. Though not a new concept, an interesting one nonetheless. I filled this one out a long time ago, and posted the results on my Multiply blog.

Inspired by ImaginI (the maker of the VisualDNA quiz), youniverse.com created a new one like it, called the "Love VisualDNA." Too late for the Valentine season though, but just in time for summer lovin'.

Being a dreamer and romantic, I answered it today, and had fun doing it. I turned out to be a Love Magnet, haha!

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Quiet but spirited. Serious but quirky. Easygoing but restless. Talented but awkward. Aloof but caring. Lost but driven. Very confused person.