Dec 21, 2008

Another one bites the dust (sorta)

I never thought I'd see the day when the company's biggest advocate would be leaving before me. Dang, he's one very lucky dog! I hope that advocate will be happier advocating that other company.

Me, on the other hand, while sharing the joy of Advocate's fortune, is commiserating our new team condition. If we were battered this year, we expect next year to be even more abusive. It doesn't help that we're starting the new year with muted morale. Come to think of it, I started my odyssey with this unit in pretty much the same condition - low morale and lacking in people. How long will this last?

In a way, the Advocate's exit confirms how messed up things are... to an extent. It sorta validates my jump-out-my-skin feeling the whole year round. Hopefully, the new year would produce new opportunities. I look forward to them most eagerly.

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Quiet but spirited. Serious but quirky. Easygoing but restless. Talented but awkward. Aloof but caring. Lost but driven. Very confused person.