Jul 21, 2006

Passively seeking thrills

July. Long time from Feb, my last blog. Will save stories on my hiatus for another time - not in the mood. -_-

I'm getting bored and restless lately. Too much time on my hands and no idea on how to use it. Already been through hours on WoW and some movie marathons, and still I crave for something more. So I did some crazy things in the past month that I thought I'd never have enough time to do. I got into zips, fitness training, and "art" film viewing.

ZIPS! (a mild version of the uber-cool art, POI!)
I first read about zips in the newspaper about a freestyle camp - freestyle zipping and other freestyle sports, an event promoted by Levi's to promote their engineered jeans. The pictures looked pretty cool. The actual thing looked even better when I passed by the event in G4. Pretty! *makes googoo eyes*

Funny that Patty mentioned the website, and funnier that some of my IMC classmates are the instructors! I was glad that I wasn't going into this new thing alone. So I checked their website to learn more about zips, and the moment I saw the Poi pics, I was hooked. I bet playing with fire has never been this fun.

So far, I've been through 2 sessions, and I can't wait till the next lesson. I feel like Naruto wanting to learn a new jutsu! ^-^v

WANTED: fitness training
If there's one sport I really want to get into, it's Ultimate Frisbee. I don't care if I run around like a dog panting after a flying disc. That's the fun part!

Problem is my stamina sucks. A LOT. A 1 - 3 minute sprint is all I can handle. After that, all I'm running on is willpower rather than body fuel, hehe. I now have a new long-term goal: build stamina. play ultimate. YEAH!

Still, it wouldn't hurt to still play despite my low stamina. Now to find the willing warm bodies, hmmm...

"Art film" viewing
Jasmine is into art films. Actually, she's into anything that's virtually "underground," or at least, was once considered such. She was into bohemian fashion, alternative music, coffee culture, and Tokien-ism long before they became mainstream. I guess the times are catching up with her now, hmmm...

Anyway, the latest film she's been raving about was "Wild Orchid 2." At first, I thought it was a porn film, but she claims it isn't. It's an "art" film. Fine, so she convinces me to get "cultured." I think "culture-shocked" is a more accurate word. I haven't seen so many boobs in my life! And she tells me this isn't a porn flick. *rolls eyes* Still, the film was enjoyable enough for me to want to see how the story ends. Mediocre story, good climax buildup, ho-hum ending.

Next up: My fave sound tracks

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Quiet but spirited. Serious but quirky. Easygoing but restless. Talented but awkward. Aloof but caring. Lost but driven. Very confused person.