Oct 11, 2007

What makes you happy when you feel sad?

Most of the time, I like to see the good side of things. Life seems easier and less complicated when I see the light more than the shadows. There are so many things that I am happy about - good family, good friends, good health, good food - simply because I feel lucky to have a good combination of these.

Still, it's not easy to keep up this sunny outlook. (This takes work too, you know!) And there will definitely be times when I will feel absolutely down and despondent, even reclusively so. Sometimes, I blame it on my monthly dip and rise of my hormones - the kind that turns women into aggressive amazons one moment and weeping willows the next. (It's a terrible thing hormones does to my mood and sanity. Personally, I find it irritating because the shifting moods that the hormones drive makes it difficult to maintain a "pleasing personality." It's also equally irritating when people don't cut me slack when I do lose a grip on that nice, cheery disposition. But then again, I can only pity the poor people whose heads I've bitten off once or twice before. Hehe.)

So when are the times I feel sad?
a) When I feel like a cow (bloated and overweight). Even cows are lucky. They get milked. >.<
b) When I fail to keep a promise. My word is my bond. I'd hate to break it. Too bad the short First Lady doesn't feel the same way.
c) When things fail or go wrong because of miscommunication or non-communication. Pretty frustrating too. So many things can go to waste this way.

What makes me happy during these times?

a) Sheer absurdity. This is what most jokes are made off, at least the best ones.
a) An exhausting and interesting workout. I personally like the Body Combat and Body Pump classes at Fitness First, as they're both challenging, high-energy activities.

b) A good sports game (Note: as a player, not spectator)
c) An unexpected thoughtful gesture. It's always a natural high, not to mention a good ego boost, so I try to give as much of it as I get. There has been never been better advice than to 'pay it forward.'
d) A good conversation over warm drinks. Wonderful toasty feelings and another natural high.
e) A hard and tasty alcoholic beverage. Ah, only my good friends know what this does to me! LOL! *wink wink*

I wonder what makes other people happy when they feel sad. Do you know?

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Quiet but spirited. Serious but quirky. Easygoing but restless. Talented but awkward. Aloof but caring. Lost but driven. Very confused person.