Oct 28, 2006

Songs I don't mind hearing over and over again

I'm no music expert, but I do have some things to say about music I love. Most of the time, it's just the feeling I attach to these songs that make me like them a lot. Like say, for j-pop songs, I don't entirely understand the lyrics, but the feeling I get from the tune is vivid and memorable; thus I like hearing more of them. I'm sure anybody could relate to a tune, no matter how foreign the lyrics are. The response can be instinctive - the tap of the foot, the sway of the body, the bob of the head, and even humming. I'm like that. I feel that I am open to various music genres, just as long as they 'click' with me. There are no borders to what I've yet to hear - loud or soft, instrumental or lyrical - whatever (though I draw the line at songs at ear-piercing sounds).

Below is a list of some of my favorite songs that I can remember from the top of my head. I think it's good to give these songs due praise, since they really rocked my world and affected me in some deep, emotional way. Not that I'm a sap or anything.

All the Small Things
by Blink182
Hearing this song gets my head bobbing instantly; it's kinda like a gut reaction. Haha! It sounds upbeat and funny. It sounds like it was made in the spirit of good fun, or rather, making fun of others. If you'll watch the video, you'll notice that it makes a parody of the Backstreet Boys and their groupies. It's a rockin nice no-brainer song.

Aozora no Namida
by Hitomi Takahashi for the Blood+ soundtrack
The best thing I like about this track is how the sounds build up to a climax in the chorus. Listening to this, I imagine myself running wild, running down everything in my way, then leaping over a cliff's edge into a deep pool of clear water. Though I don't understand much of this song, it's like it's telling me to rip free from myself and just let go. Yeah, that would be nice. A cool, kickass-bad-girl kind of track, this one is.

As the World Falls Down
by David Bowie for the Labyrinth soundtrack
The most romantic and nostalgic song I've ever heard. This song was played during the 'Cinderella' ballroom scene of Jennifer Connelly and David Bowie in the 80s fantasy movie, The Labyrinth. It's romantic because it's slow and flows whimsically with bell sounds mixed with piano and guitar. It's like you're floating on the dance floor. I say it's nostalgic because it captured perhaps my last carefree childhood memories or at least the feelings I associate with them. PLUS, David Bowie is absolutely dreamy. Even though he's like 50+ years old now, he's still hunk material to me! *sigh*

Ashita no Kyou to Onaji Mirai
by Gomen the Hitman for the Otogizoushi soundtrack
Acoustic guitar chords dominate this rather optimistic-sounding track. It has a 'clean' sound to it; not too many instruments and voices. I guess this contributes to its optimistic feel, like tomorrow's gonna be a day as good as today, maybe even better.

by the Beatles
Another 'clean' and optimistic-sounding song - one acoustic instrument and one voice. It makes me feel that things can get better, if given the chance to 'fly' or 'see,' as the song goes.

Bring Me to Life
by Evanescence
This song is a call for help. I find this particularly comforting when I'm uber stressed and very anxious. It's for the moments when I feel my life force being sucked dry by demands of my job, and I'm desperate to escape the distressing situation. The forlorn voice of Amy Lee calls and reaches out for the surface of the living world, which is just within her reach. Somehow, I feel I am that voice, desperately inching towards the safety of homebase.

Digital Love
by Daft Punk
This is a cute falling-in-love song, but then again, I watched the video before I listened to the song. This came from Daft Punk's album where the videos were all rendered in olde anime style (ala Macross). It was about a guy dreaming about the unreachable (like say, the girl), but with luck on his side, he got the chance to play knight-in-shining-armor to this dream girl. If he did have a successful rescue, I don't know. It was supposed to be continued in Daft Punk's other videos, which I have yet to watch. >.<

Forrest Gump theme
composed by Alan Silvestri for Forrest Gump soundtrack
"Stupid is as stupid does" is an enigmatic reply to incredulous questions like 'Are you stupid or something?' ME LIKEY, HAHA! Maybe me use it as a lame excuse for stupid mistakes. Anyway, back to the song. Although I don't share the history of Golden Age America, I already sense the strains of nostalgia and poignance throughout this musical piece. Perhaps because it sounds 'clean' and simple to me - steadily paced single piano notes and faint violins in the background supporting the notes - does this piece sound at once both sad and optimistic. If this song had lyrics, it would talk about the circle of life, about how things must end and how life must go on despite the inevitability of the life cycle, just like in the movie.

by the Cranberries
Heavy, abrasive chords guiding a low, seething voice. I'd call this an angry song for promises made and not kept. This would qualify as an angsty song to me, expressing frustration and a need to retaliate for wrongs done. I think this song would be a great addition in the Underworld soundtrack, since it works a lot on the themes of betrayal and retaliation.

by ROUND TABLE feat. Nino for ARIA the Movie soundtrack
Again, another song I barely understand, but can feel well just the same. I never watched the movie, but I'm a big fan of ROUND TABLE songs, ever since I heard Let Me Be with You track. Their songs are usually on the light, bubbly, jazzy side, which really perks me up. But this song is somewhat laid-back and well, nostalgic, in the sense that you feel you're looking back on the good times you've experienced.

To be continued...


Anonymous said...

Hahaha funny All the Small Things does make me bob my head. Nice blog, haven't read everything but I will, I'm Will. Tc!

Nightsword said...

*scrolling up* I didn't think I'd get spammed this early. :/

Hey Will!
Nice of you to drop by! Thanks for taking time to read my blog. I know it can be a bit ego-centric, but enjoy it all the same. :)


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Quiet but spirited. Serious but quirky. Easygoing but restless. Talented but awkward. Aloof but caring. Lost but driven. Very confused person.